Summer Hair Guides


Had a colour analysis, but need more extensive information on hair colouring?

Styled by Saasha hair E guide is a game changer

Have the confidence to visit the hairdresser and ask for exactly the colour you want. Knowing that these colours will work with your skin tone means you can confidently request your desired look and leave the salon feeling great about the results. It’s disheartening to leave the hairdresser unhappy and looking washed out after spending your hard-earned money, especially when you have to live with their colour decision until your next appointment.


The Hair Colour E-Guide includes:

  • The best blonde shades, whether cool or warm, that suit your skin tone
  • The ideal brunette colours for you
  • Whether you can pull off red tones or overall red in your hair
  • Options for fun colors like pink or lavender that work within your seasonal palette
  • Ombre and balayage colours tailored to your style
  • A comprehensive guide for transitioning to grey, without looking washed out, with recommendations for colours that compliment your seasonal palette

This new hair guide is set to be a game-changer in the colour analysis industry.

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